I just felt like... 2021 in Review


- The one where I where I recap 2021 - 

2021 for many was a year of recovery. 
Whether it was recovering from injuries, weight gain, mental issues from 2020 (the year we do not speak of) or recovering from the increased drinking or a myriad of other things we all have had to deal with... I do hope all of us are better now than we were at the beginning of the year.

Almost one year ago I ended the year the same as I have for many years... 
maybe a little harder than the previous actually.   CHEERS !!!

The difference of the toast ringing in 2021 was I knew I was going to stop drinking after that one last drink.    

It was a choice I made. It was a tough but very easy choice.
The path I was going down was not a good one.  
Either I had to choose sobriety or it would have been forced upon me in the form of health or legal issues.

Life is full of choices.
A choice is easier to accept than something forced upon you

I said goodbye to a lifestyle that had snuck up on me... 
Through the year it tried (many times) to force its way back in to my life.  Thankfully I had my support system in place, some really good friends and a loving wife at home to get me through the rough times.  I am at peace with this

Each one of these was a milestone
Each one I worked hard for, each one I looked forward too...  I have made it to the point where I no longer count by hours, days or months.  Going forward, I count by years - starting with 1

2021 also had me on a weight loss journey. 

From January 22nd through September 30th, I was dedicated and stayed the course losing (on average) 1.4 lbs a week for 36 weeks.

I chose to lose weight.
It was an easy but very tough choice.
The path I was going down was not a good one.
Either I had to chose getting fit or it would have been forced upon me in the form of health issues.

Life is full of choices.
A choice is easier to accept than something forced upon you

Before and During (June) at 32 lbs down

In late September I met my goal of losing 50 lbs.  Was feeling GREAT and was very confident ... maybe a bit too confident thinking I could wear those shorts - LOL 

My running/training in 2021

Let's back up a little... In May I signed on with PR Project with the hopes of running a Half Marathon in under 2 hours.   Working with Nick was a blessing.   At that time I was 18 weeks without drinking and was 25 lbs down ... now it was time to get serious with training and with Nick, all I had to do was what I was told!   

It was all about training, yes I did WAY too many races in 2021 (we will get to that) but I'd have to say they were just training runs with a finishers medal.   I truly only "Raced" a handful of them.

Times were getting faster as I was losing more weight and actually training right, not overtraining like I had been over the last few years. 

I did the work, but it was Nick's training that made it happen ...

Here are some of the highlights;

This one bummed me out...  I thought I would be faster and it was a lesson learned.   Right after this race is when training REALLY began

Hospital Hill was a milestone for me - It was the the furthest I had ever ran without stopping - 9.5 miles.   the training was working

Just a Time trial - Rex Hunt joined me on this one and was my pacer... not quite 'solo' as in the description but it was not at a 'race' ;)

Bae did GREAT!   Not long after this it started to get too hot for her to run with me

This was a fun one and was a last minute sign up.   I got to run with Jeanne Pfetsch

Training run turned RACE !!!   
Pretty sure it was the shorts

This was a personal challenge, I did this race in 2020 in 2:36:21 and walked A LOT !! 
Ran the entire thing this time, even the 1.5 mile long hill !

This was a training run, on the schedule was to run 13.1 miles in 2:05.
I ran the 13.1 miles in 2:01:09 and crossed the finish line in 2:01:57
Would ya look at that 1/4 mile time though !   6:46 pace

This was the target race for my under 2 hour half.    I don't need to do that again!
That's a pretty good Half PR for me - one that will live long and prosper

Two weeks after the goal Half, I knocked this one out.   I don't need to do it again :)
That's a pretty good 10k PR for me - one that will live long and prosper

I accomplished more than I thought I would for the year, that's for sure ! 
After that 10k PR on Nov 20th, I took some time off training, was enjoying eating what ever I wanted again (maybe a little too much), visited friends and went on a few ADventures - including a 26.2 mile Line Creek run for my 'Virtual' Gobbler Grind FULL ! 

Speaking of  'Virtual' races...  
I did 19 Virtual Races (don't judge) and 44 live races - again most were just training runs.
There were a total of 63 Races in 2021
 - 21 5k's - 1 4mile - 1 8k - 25 10k's - 1 8mile - 1 15k -  1 10mile - 10 Half's - 1 20k - 1 Full - 

So, that 26.2 mile ADventure I mentioned ...  yeah, it did a number on me.   I did not properly recover after and eventually it caught up and I have been dealing with a Hamstring Strain for several weeks.   I now have a wonderful plan in place with a "Running Lifestyle" coach and will be back stronger than ever!

Honestly, I am not sure what 2022 will bring (as far as races) but I can tell you it will NOT be anywhere near 62 races! 
Right now, the plan is to stay sober, active, healthy, happy and keep promoting the races that I LOVE that have asked me to be an Ambassador for, spending time with family, friends and go on many ADventures :)

Reach out to me if you care to join!

With that, I bid 2021 adieu and welcome 2022

That's all for now,

Here is a (mostly) complete list of races that I am either running or hope to run at.
Please join me

I am an Ambassador for the below races, ask me any questions;

(all Bodies races) Winter Warm-up 5k,10k,Half - Jan 30, Doing the Half
Liberty Hospital 5k,Half - Mar 26, doing the Half
Mile 0 - Flint Hills 10 mile, 20 mile,50k (Osawatomie) - Apr 16, doing the 20 Mile
? Garmin Olathe Marathon - not sure, waiting to hear back
Eldon Rock Island Road Race 5k,10k,15k- June 11, doing the 15k
Frog Hill 5k/Half - Oct 7,8, doing 5k and Half
KC Marathon 5k,105,Half, Full - Oct 15, doing the FULL !!! 
?Des Moines Marathon - not sure, waiting to hear back
?Hearts for RHMC- not sure, waiting to hear back
?Gobbler Grind - not sure, waiting to hear back
?Santa Dash - not sure, waiting to hear back

Thinking I will work up to a 50k in November or December.

Other Races I am thinking about doing in 2022;
Feb 19 in Tucson, AZ - Saguaro Half Marathon
Apr 24 - Trolley Run - 8-Mile
May 21? - Flash Dash 5k
Volunteer at all Bodies races Summer Sizzle, Fall Finish, Spooky Sprint, Turkey trails, Candy Cane Course
November - Watkins Mill 6k
November - Rails to Trails Extravaganza (50k?) 


  1. An awesome recap of the year! You’ve been through a lot this year, and it’s cool to see your progress! I’m excited for you in the year ahead!


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