I just felt like... running 26.2 miles

- The one where I ran Line Creek ... with friends - 

This run been in the works since Kaitlin and I ran a few miles on Line Creek.  I mentioned maybe doing the Point-to-Point again - the downhill section from PlayTri to Argosy.   Well it escalate quickly and (for me) became a Full marathon distance because... why not :)

Another ...  Bearded Runner ADventure   - a "BR.AD" - hatched and I threw it out there.   Love that so many wanted to run some of the miles on a perfect weather day for running. 

With a bit of planning and carpooling we made it to Argosy and right on the dot - 8:30 am - we were off! 

So glad I got to hang with these Rhonda, Shari & Hannah for a bit in the beginning, SOOOooo glad you could make it out!   
Rhonda you are doing GREAT with your running ... you are a runner :)

Caught up to the lead pack

Since we were all together ... 
#PicStop time :) 

Let the ADventure begin! 

This was one of the first things Melissa and I saw ... how appropriate :) 

Pretty cool to see these little mental treasures along the way! 

Seems like a good spot for Geocaching... Rex fired up the app ! 

OOoo...  look a TREE ! 

Around that tree we were pretty sure we heard a Hawk and yup...  Rex confirmed it was definitely a bird!

I have only ran Line Creek a few times and I don't remember seeing this...
Not sure why it's called "Double Waterfall" but after being there for a few seconds to take this picture I did have an urge to find a bathroom....  triple waterfall ?

Oh, Hey - It's Mitch !   He found us.   Well..  he was kinda told we were at QT, 2 miles back ;)

This was at Gabe's turn-around spot so, yeah - another Picture ! 

Let the ADventure continue! 

@RexHunt is a thing ...

So the picture below is not a very good one especially with the limits of only having a cell phone but it definitely was part of a moment I will remember!
There is a Woodpecker up there.
As we were running by the base of the pole, it did it's thing and whacked it's beak on the pole.   Maybe it was warning us to stay away - or - maybe it was saying HEY - LOOK AT ME !! 
Either way, when it did it's pecking which caused the wires on the poles to vibrate down the line and made some very interesting sounds :) 

Burr Oak and Clint

Burr Oak and Hallie

Burr Oak and Melissa

We finished up Line Creek Trail and just before we turned on to 152 Trail there was a Diaper Box with some supplies.   This was around Mile 10 and was at the perfect location.   Thank you Kelly 

Thinking this could be a good Country Song :)

We pushed it for a few miles after that and at the end of the trail, well... we had to take a picture :) 

That was a WONDERFUL group to run with.
You all were more than just running buddies to me that morning ...  THANK YOU! 

This was the 1/2 way mark for me.  Melissa, Rex, Clint, Mitch, Hallie & Sydney were tapping out and it was time for Kaitlin's ADventure!

I was feeling really good after a nice easy 13.1 miles and Kaitlin was ready to go... so we went ! 
Quick stop at the Mile 16.5 'Diaper Box' and we were back at it!   (Thanks again Kelly) 

Love that we got to see Josie at mile 17.5 - GREAT to see you for exactly 1 minute 48 seconds - LOL
My Heart Rate went from 155 down to 114, so THANK YOU !

Mile 20 and we were still trucking but if you don't stop for pictures... did it really happen? 


Mile 23 came and that's about where I started feeling it... Not really a wall, but real close.   I was SO glad Kaitlin was there and willing to listen to my 'stories' to keep me out of my head.   

Took a Walk Break at 23, a little slower pace for a few minutes.   Another walk break up a hill at 24 then finished strong ! 
As it turns out ... Mile 26 was my fastest mile of the day

Was great to see Angie as we were finishing up too!

With the help from all mentioned in this BLOG, I earned the right to wear this jacket ... 

THANK YOU, Thank you, thank you for joining me on this ADventure
it was a  BR.AD   that I will hold close to my heart :)  

You all are AMAZING ! 

That's all for now,


Try Code BeardedRunner - it may save you some $$ at these races;

Any of the MANY Bodies races through the year
 - https://bodiesracecompany.com/missouri
Mar 26, 2022  - 5th Year Liberty Hospital Half
   - https://libertyhospitalhalf.org/
April 16, 2022 - Inaugural Mile 0 - Flint Hills Trail Race 
   - https://ultrasignup.com/register.aspx?did=89615
April 23, 2022 - Garmin Olathe Marathon
   - hhttps://www.facebook.com/OfficialGarminMarathon/posts/4314781998647239
June 11, 2022 - 5th Year Eldon Rock Island Road Race 
   - https://www.facebook.com/eldonrockislandroadrace/
Oct 7 & 8, 2022 - Frog Hill 5k & Half Marathon  
   - https://www.facebook.com/froghillhalf
Oct 15, 2022 - Garmin Kansas City Marathon  
   - https://www.sportkc.org/marathon/register/i-35-challenge


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