I just felt like... writing

Welcome to my BLOG! 

First post just to see how this works.   If there are any subjects you want to ask about, shoot me a message and I will do my best to answer.   For now, I am just going to ramble, list my races and promote a few races that I am an Ambassador with.

I am sure 2020 was rough on many.   Us runners had each other but in the unknown, there was a lot taken away from us.   For the most part we are back.   I personally hit 2021 with a vengeance when I decided to stop drinking alcohol, lose weight and actually 'train' for races again.   

Clinton Half Marathon was my first Half of 2021 and with a self-modified plan from Runners Edge, I trained for 12-weeks with Tom and Meghan and was able to finish in 2:20 which was a full 16 minutes faster that the last Half of 2020.   There were mistakes made in the training, constant adjusting and time consuming weekly planning so going forward - I hired a Run Coach from https://www.prprojectkc.com to do all the planning for me.   All I need to do is run.

Half Marathon training does not really start until mid July so for now we are taking it one week at a time, one race at a time and continuing the conditioning and weight loss.

As of today, I have done 20 races in 2021 with only 7 of them Virtual.  Looking through the end of the year, there are 30+ more on my list and 8 of them are Half Marathons.   Each race, each distance, each season will provide a new challenge and accomplishment.   It is a WIN at each one because we seem to be back for LIVE races :)

Race Ambassador.... 
I am honored to be a liaison for, share a code for, promote, volunteer at, and absolutely LOVE all of the races over the years that I have been an Ambassador for. 

Bodies Race Company is where I started.   Volunteering at many of their races from the beginning of my running life (2016) has been an honor.  From packet pickup, race morning set-up, course monitor, photographer, and everything between... just being out there with so many runners was the highlight of my weekend and when over kept me looking for a new way to be a part of the Kansas City running community. 
Code - BeardedRunner = 15% off @ https://bodiesracecompany.com/kansascity/bodies-race-company-events  (message me if not working)

My home town race was a perfect opportunity and I was fortunate to be accepted.   Working with Nathan has been great and I am very proud to be a part of the Liberty Hospital Half.
Code - BeardedRunner = 20% off @ https://libertyhospitalhalf.org

I was an Ambassador for Hospital Hill and am looking forward to again in the future - their 50 year anniversary is coming ! 

Dave Borchardt ... I don't think I need to say any more :) 
Truly a pleasure working with the Kansas City Marathon helping to promote how I can.   This year I am also working with Des Moines Marathon and the I-35 Challenge
- Race with me in KC on Sat Oct 16 & Des Moines on Sun Oct 17th

This is my 3rd year with Garmin Marathon in Olathe.  It's a bit of a trek down there and when I was able to run it, it was always a great experience.   Well organized, good after party and the OZ themes are cute.  This is the year of the Lion.
Code - BeardedRunner = 15% off @ https://ozrun.org

Hope on the Hill is a great 5k that was around Liberty Memorial but this year will be in Overland Park.  for more information, check out these sites;
Code - BeardedRunner = 10% off AND if you join team "BeardedRunner" get another $5 off

Kansas City Running Club offers some great races through the year.   Volunteering and working with Nancy has always been a pleasure I always look forward too!   
For the 2nd year, I am honored to be an Ambassador for Gobbler Grind that runs Indian Creek Trail.
Code - BeardedRunner - 20% off Half, $5 off 5k/10k @ https://gobblergrindmarathon.com

Hearts for RMHC and the Race Director Jeff Miles.   Blessed to be a part of this one and to know Jeff.  BONUS !!!   If you run this one, you get a shirt with my face on the back - LOL 
More info @ https://heartsforrmhc.org

NEW to me this year, I will be working with the KC Santa Dash in Westport... you know, the one with all the Santa Suits - Yeah, I will have a code for that one soon :)
More info @ https://santadashrun.com

It would be impossible for me to BLOG about anything running related and not mention Kansas City Running Company in Martin City, especially Brad Ziegler.   He has been the glue that has kept many of my running family going through their Brew Crew Runs (bot brewery & coffee), distillery visits and now MOO crew starting next week in Mission.   
Their races were the first ones back and they have done 68 (safe) LIVE races since this time last year at the Fathers Day 1/4 marathon of 2020 and all through the pandemic to the Fathers Day 1/4 Marathon 2021.
Thank you Brad and KCRC for all you do.
More info @ https://www.facebook.com/kcrunningcompany/events

That's all for now,

Here is a (mostly) complete list of races that I am either running or hope to run at.
Please join me

Fathers Day 1/4 Marathon
VIRT - Hero Hustle 10k
Night Hawk 10-Mile Trail
Stars & Stripes 5k
Bodies Firecracker Flight 10k
Amelia Earhart 8k
Midnight Run 10k
Bodies Treat Trot 10k
Hearts for RMHC 10k
Rexy Run 5k
Rock the Parkway Half
Bodies Labor Day Dash 10k
Plaza 10k
Zoo Run
Dot-to-Dot 10k
Bodies Autumn Adventure 10k
Great Plains 10k
Frog Hill 5k
Frog Hill Half
Driftless Half
Kansas City Half
Des Moines Half
Cliff Hanger 10k
Bodies Spooky Sprint Half
Longview Half
Garmin Half
Gobbler Grind Half
Bodies Veterans Voyage 10k
Hope on the Hill 10k
Ward parkway Thanksgiving Day Run
Bodies Turkey Trails 10k 
Westport Santa Dash
Bodies Candy Cane Course 10k


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