
Showing posts from May, 2022

I just felt like... an 'Easy Run'

  - The one about "Easy Runs"  and how important they are  - A ...    B earded  R unner  AD venture    -  if you will -      lovingly called a " BR.AD " - This is why I train, it's not for the 'Races' but it's to make the easy days easier -  If there was one thing that I really didn't like when I was injured, it was being unable to do an "Easy Run".   Those are the ones that are SO Much more important than just putting in the miles.   Make them  AD ventures as often as possible.   It's a great motivator and what I like to call it #RunTherapy, find somewhere new, run with a friend... Heck - RUN WITH ME !!    ----- > Plan it, Do it and have fun! I was recently on a podcast - The host is a 5k runner and his final question was; "What are a couple of tips that you could give ... of ways I could get the most out of my body and my mind when I stretch this thing out from a 3 mi...